Aspen Software Foundation Software License Policy

All software developed, distributed, or maintained by the Aspen Software Foundation is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3 (GPLv3) unless explicitly stated otherwise in the software's documentation or licensing files.

By using, modifying, or distributing any software provided by the Aspen Software Foundation, you agree to comply with the terms and conditions of the GPLv3. A copy of the GPLv3 license is included with all software distributions and can also be found at:

Key Points:

Freedom to Use: You are free to use the software for any purpose, personal or commercial.

Freedom to Modify: You are free to study, modify, and adapt the software to your needs.

Freedom to Distribute: You are free to distribute original or modified versions of the software, provided you comply with the GPLv3 terms, including providing source code and preserving license notices.

No Warranty: The software is provided "as is," without any warranties, express or implied.

Exceptions: If specific software projects or components require a different license due to dependencies, partnerships, or other legal considerations, such exceptions will be clearly noted in the project's documentation or licensing files.


For questions about this policy or licensing, please contact: [email protected]

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